Friday, June 5, 2009

Traveling Europe 101: Hostels or Hotels

When traveling on a semi budget, from my experience, Hostels are an excellent alternative to Hotels. It’s like staying in a dormitory. The amount of people in the room will vary. Suites will have it own washroom and regular dormitory rooms have a community washroom. Hostels are not only a cost effective way of sleeping but also an excellent way of meeting other travelers. Hostels with their own private pub usually have an excellent social atmosphere. Some facilities will also offer a complimentary breakfast which may consist of bread, juice, and cereal. Like Hotels, when booking Hostels, I tend to book hostels with a better than average review.

If I’m traveling with a group, I try to rent a flat. There are people whom rent their properties for an extended period of time. In addition to the privacy you’ll get from renting a flat, it may be cheaper than a hotel and hostel.

For the most part, I tend to stay in hostels then stay in a hotel on the very last night of each trip for the sole purpose of privacy prior to a long flight back home.

Although I’ve never tried it, Camp grounds and couch surfing are other alternatives when traveling on a budget. I’ve met plenty of travelers who have couch surfed. The feed back that I’ve received are mixed – good and bad reviews. As far as Camping, camping is camping. There are tons of backpackers who do all of the above. On my part, hostels, hotels, and Flat rentals have been my choice.

The sources that I use to book my Hostels and Hotels are:

Information on Flat rentals can be found through on-line search engines.
Information on Couch surfing can be found on

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